Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It has been a while...

Well, here I am finding myself in the New Year, shameful to see that I have failed to keep up my blogging once again. But once more, I have returned for my few and faithful fans.


This Christmas was, indeed, a Feliz Natal, for me. My first Christmas with my wonderful new was a joy to share this special time together. Luckily for us, Bruno stil had almost 2 weeks of holidays we were blessed with some time just for the two of us. We did a lot of eating, sleeping, laughing and even some crying. We spent Christmas Eve and Day with Bruno´s immediate family. Their traditional Christmas doesn´t differ much from ours; a nice dinner Christmas Eve, presents Christmas morning, and hanging out the rest of the day. That being said, his family is never a substitute for my precious family, and of course, I had moments missing those that I love. This was my first Christmas away from my family, and their first without me. But, Lord willing, Bruno and I hope to make it to Canada for Christmas of 2008.

The holidays was also a good time of reflecting for us. We spent some hours talking and remembering our long journey to get to this point we are at. What a long road it has been....even moresoe for Bruno. But, a road worth the wait....and we are so amazed at where God has brought us.

From day to day, my life doesn´t feel very different here. I am working about 25 hours a week, we go to church, and spend time with family and friends. However... Sometimes I have these moments....very strange moments that happen at very undefined times....where I find myself taken aback by something around me, and I suddenly realize that I am actually in Portugal...really truly in Portugal. I am living as a foreigner, I am learning another completely different language, and I am not really in the place I usually know as home. These are very hard moments for me to describe. They aren´t necessarily good, nor bad, they just are. It is almost like time stops for a moment, and I have a second to look at my life from outside of if I am watching myself in a movie or a dream. It is very surreal for me.

Well, I digress....maybe I will write a novel on this someday....but it won´t be today, as my loving husband has just arrived home, and I would like to go greet him with a portuguese Beijinho (kiss) . Until the next post...

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